Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New York highlights #2

Soho buildings
Originally uploaded by Hells Bells.

Steve and I both loved SOHO and the interesting combination of old buildings and funky, beautifully designed shops. We drooled over ibooks and ipods in the warehouse meets high design Apple store. I think we also went into every clothes store – very happy with my new black flippy skirt – bought in an attempt to make my wardrobe (slightly) more girly.

We then rendez vous’ed with Mary of Mamie Makes for lunch. So fun to meet Mary in “real life” after sharing emails and enjoying her fab blog. I was slightly nervous but Mary’s clever choice of café next to gorgeous knitting store Purl quickly broke the ice. Steve was completely mystified by the squeezing, stroking and talking in hushed voices over balls of wool and left to find a safe happy place. Some time later (apparently quite a while) I finally decided on some lovely multicoloured wool for a winter scarf and some pink stripey wool for my Sock Challenge. I think there is definitely a gap in the market for a shop like this in London.

Mary has given me her “easy” Happy Socks pattern so hopefully I’ll end up with something resembling wearable clothing. And also gave me some fab fabric from her stash which was a lovely surprise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your visit to NYC. I've been a few times this year (after many years away) and I always feel so completely energized when I'm there.
(Nice to see Mary! I had a first meeting with another blogger at that very same shop followed by lunch at the very same cafe.)